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Primary Sports Funding

Primary PE Funding 2022/23

Initially the Primary PE Funding for 2022-23 has been spent on providing offsite learning activities for pupils in the local community and wider Lancashire area. During the Summer Term 2022 a number of classes accessed Instructor led sessions in Gymnastics and Trampolining. Resources to support in school PE lessons have also been purchased, for example PE Mats.

  • Bamber Bridge Tennis and Fitness Centre: Eight pupils attended the visits which were led by a qualified Gymnastics teacher. The venue provided an excellent environment and gymnastics equipment, pupils made good progress in all areas of gymastics covered and were able to access pieces of equipment that they had not previously used. Pupils developed their confidence and self-esteem throughout the sessions and showed a marked improvement in their gymnastic abilities. 
  • Preston Trampolining Centre: Two classes accessed the trampolining facility over the summer term, and the lessons were taught by a qualified Trampolining coach. The pupils developed their stamina and technique throughout the sessions and a number of pupils achieved nationally recognised qualifications. Due to Covid restrictions in previous years this was the first opportunity a number of pupils had to experience trampolining sessions, and this supported the pupils in developing their PE skills and confidence in trying new activities. 
  • Early Gymnastic skills: Seven pupils took part in gymnastic sessions led by a trained gymnastic coach, these lessons were pitched at pupils at a very early level of physical development. The pupils learnt to access new equipment safely, follow the structure and routines of a gymnastics class, listen to instructions from an unfamiliar coach and develop their flexibility and skills in gymnastics. The teacher and teaching assistants who accompanied the visits learnt new skills in delivering gymnastics sessions which have been put into practice during the Autumn Term PE classes in school. 

Next Steps for the rest of the financial year:

  • To enhance the opportunities for pupils to take part in PE and sports in a range of offsite activities that are unavailable in school.
  • To enhance the provision for PE and Sensory Circuits in school through purchasing additional equipment and training staff in how to use it. 

Primary PE Funding 2021/22

The Primary PE funding for 2021-22 financial year has been used to further enhance the Sensory Integration provision within school. The funding has been used to purchase an outdoor storage facility to enable equipment for our Outdoor Sensory Circuit to be stored close to this resource.


Key Achievements:

  • The outdoor Sensory Circuit and resources have been made accessible to most pupils - a wider variety of pupils are now able to access the circuit. The storage facility has made planning and preparing the sessions easier as resources are readily accessible, and do not need to be gathered by staff members at a different time. Pupils are able to assist in collecting and tidying the resources, which in turn adds to their sensory feedback in the form of Proprioceptive Input or 'Heavy work'. 
  • Further training has been provided by an HLTA, to new staff and those who felt additional training would be useful. 

Next Steps:

  • To enhance the opportunities for pupils to take part in PE and sports in a range of offsite activities that are unavailable in school.
  • To work with Blossom Therapy to embed Sensory Circuits, continue to expand the provision , and provide a wider variety of resources with a focus on pupils in Key Stage 1 and EYFS.

Primary PE Funding 2020/2021

The Primary PE funding for 2020-2021 has been used to enhance the Sensory Integration provision across school. The funding has been used to create an outdoor Sensory Circuit, to purchase resources and storage facilities for the resources. A sensory circuit is a form of Sensory Integration intervention which involves a sequence of physical activities that are designed to alert, organise and calm the child. The sensory circuit aims to facilitate sensory processing to help children regulate and organise their senses in order to achieve the ‘just right’ or optimum level of alertness required for effective learning. The circuit are an active, physical and fun activity that children enjoy doing and are built into many pupils sensory diets and timetables throughout the school day.
Key Achievements:
  • The outdoor Sensory Circuit and resources have been made accessible to all pupils - different pupils can access the circuit at times appropriate to their sensory needs. As there is a dedicated area for Sensory Circuits pupils are able to access this at more times throughout the school day.
  • Where needed, children are given the opportunity to access the circuit at a level that suits them. Where pupils are unable to transition to the outdoor Sensory Circuit resources have been used in class or in the school hall.
  • Through completing Sensory Circuits, the pupils sensory processing skills and arousal levels are 'just right' which supports them to access more of their curriculum. 
  • An HLTA has provided one to one and small group training and coaching to staff in how to implement sensory circuits with an individual pupil. School outsource OT Sensory Integration provision to Blossom Therapy - the therapist works with individuals to assess their needs in the school environment and provide input on what Sensory Integration strategies, including Sensory Circuits are needed to support and improve pupils' self-regulation. 
Next Steps:
  • To further embed Sensory Circuits into the school day.
  • Provide training for new staff, and refresher training for established staff.

Primary PE Funding 2019/2020

In the 2019/2020 financial year we received £16,390.

Ribble Valley Acrobatic Academy

Our Primary classes have accessed Ribble Valley Acrobatic Academy during the Spring Term and have been learning Gross motor and movement skills linked to Gymnastics actions. Pupils had access to an instructor who specialised in gymnastics  which allowed pupils to access at different levels and were able to meet the sensory needs of the pupils.The sessions proved very popular with the classes who attended these sessions up until restrictions regarding Covid-19 were put in place, we look forward to continuing these sessions in the future with more of our pupils accessing the sessions.

Hothersall Lodge

A large group of pupils accessed an outdoor education visit at Hothersall Lodge for the day.

Pupils accessed opportunities to participate in a range of climbing and caving activities that supported physical and sensory needs and targets. The staff were encouraged to learn and support the pupils in the acquisition of new skills in a safe and challenging environment. Pupils also accessed orienteering which included map reading at different levels using physical and problem solving skills. Pupils also accessed a nature walk identifying different bugs, creatures and plants. Positive feedback was given by both pupils and staff who were pleased with the variety of the activities which suited a variety of interests and of the skill level and expertise of the specialist instructors onsite.

Sensory Circuit

Plans are being developed to improve an area of the school to include sensory circuits to support and meet the sensory needs of pupils in the school with specialised equipment, floor markings and storage. Pupils will follow a sensory circuit and regulate proprioceptive, vestibular and other sensory systems while taking part in fun and challenging activities in a familiar circuit. These plans have been paused due to the restrictions brought on by COVID-19 but will be up and running as soon is it is safe to do so. 

Primary PE Funding 2018/2019

In the 2018/2019 financial year we received £16,398.

Pupils from the primary classes have accessed Preston city trampoline club for regular sessions of rebound therapy and accessing qualifications related to trampolining. Pupils would work on targets that were set using Bsquared and British Gymnastics. Pupils had access to an instructor who specialiased in gymnastics and trampolining which allowed pupils to access at different levels and were able to meet the sensory needs of the pupils. During the sessions pupils also had access to a sensory room. Feedback from staff and pupils was generally positive and they enjoyed accessing activities that they are unable to access in school.

Primary Sports Funding 2017/2018
In the 2017/2018 financial year the School received £12,990. The funding has been used to deliver a range of opportunities across the primary school key stages. A range of specialist providers have been accessed, these included the following:

Dance Therapy:
This enabled the pupils and staff to learn about the movement of the body and gave the staff an insight in to what specific movements may allow sensory input for the pupils within a Physical Education Dance and Gymnastics curriculum.

Sports Coaches:
Sports coaches delivered sessions alongside the teaching staff to support and upskill the staff in the delivery of a range of generic sports that support BSquared and PLP targets.

Outdoor Education Climbing at Hothersall Lodge:
Pupils accessed opportunities to participate in a range of climbing and bouldering activities that supported the targets set for assessment. The staff were encouraged to learn and support the pupils in the acquisition of new sills in a challenging environment. The feedback from staff and pupils was positive and in the feedback staff have identified that they have an increased confidence to take pupils to new venues and access sports that they may not otherwise have an opportunity to engage in.

Pupils from the primary classes have accessed sessions at the Preston City Trampoline club, the sessions targeted rebound therapy to allow staff to see how the sport can engage pupils across ability levels and also to access the qualification and targets set by British Gymnastics and B squared. The feedback from staff and pupils was extremely positive and staff have highlighted an interest to develop skills further in the future through training courses and more access for pupils to try the sport at various levels.

Sports kit:
Funding has also been used to update and renew old equipment in line with the suggestions given by the sports coaches. These where introduced to support staff as it is the equipment they specifically used in the coached sessions. This has supported the continuation of improved sessions for the pupils in primary classes.

PE and Sports Grant 2016/2017
The Government is providing ring-fenced funding toward developing sport to all Schools of £150,000,000. The Grant can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in Primary Schools. Hillside Specialist School and College has received £8,189 in funding in the 2016/2017 financial year. During the last twelve months the PE and Sports Grant has been used to enrich the Physical education opportunities for the pupils at Hillside. The primary classes have had opportunity to access a Dance therapy course and the pupils engaged in all the activities and enjoyed the sessions. The staff have benefited form the opportunity to gain experience and develop further confidence in delivering Dance based sessions throughout the curriculum as a direct link to this Dance therapy.

The pupils and staff have also had an opportunity to learn form a professional sports coach in a range of sporting activities including, Invasion games such as Basketball and in Gymnastic based activities. The pupils have enjoyed the very physical aspects of the lessons and the staff have been able to further their knowledge of sports and the way an activity can be delivered and differentiated to meet the needs of the pupils in the class they teach. The pupils generally struggle with Physical Education but the range and professionalism has allowed them to become motivated and engaged in more sessions.

PE and Sports Grant 2015/2016
The Government is providing ring-fenced funding toward developing sport to all Schools of £150,000,000. The Grant can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in Primary Schools. Hillside Specialist School and College has received £8,171 in funding in the 2015/2016 financial year. This year the money has been invested in the following areas:-

  • Pupils have taken part in a series of street dance lessons led by a qualified dance coach, during the sessions pupils have been taught different street dance techniques and practiced a dance routine which they performed to parents. This has provided the class teacher with the necessary skills to plan future lessons in this area.
  • Multi-skills games sessions led by a qualified coach have been ongoing with pupils learning different skills and learning to play together in a group. Pupils have practiced skills such as throwing and catching, rolling/dribbling a ball and rolling/kicking a ball towards a target.
  • Weekly dance therapy sessions have been provided for pupils with severe learning difficulties as well as autism. This has increased their communication and given them positive experiences of being in close proximity with others. It has also been helpful for all staff to develop their skills and relationships with pupils which has an impact throughout the School week. The sessions have also allowed staff to take away ideas and techniques to encourage pupils to be more social within their class groups and has provided new opportunities which can be used within class time and PE sessions.

As a School we are aware that exercise is important for the health and wellbeing of all our pupils. All our pupils take part in weekly PE lessons during curriculum time. We feel that the PE Grant has enabled us to broaden the sporting opportunities available to pupils, has developed staff skills through working alongside visiting coaches and therapists and instilled in pupils a love of sport and physical activity.

Contact Us

Hillside Specialist School and College

Ribchester Road, Longridge,
Preston, Lancashire, PR3 3XB

Kathryn Wilkinson, School Business Manager

T| 01772 782205


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