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Welcome from the Chair of Governors

Welcome to the governors' area of the website. I hope you find the information in this area useful and informative.

Membership of our governing board includes parents/carers, staff and members of the community who have a wide range of backgrounds, skills and knowledge. Between us we seek to support and challenge the school’s senior leadership team to make sure that Hillside Specialist School & College continues to develop and progress, whilst also ensuring that legal and statutory requirements are met. Governors are volunteers who give up their free time to serve the school.

As a governing board we have four core strategic functions which are:

· Ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

· Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff;

· Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent;

· Ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard.

The full board meets at least 6 times per year, there are also smaller sub-committees who meet at different points in the year to consider particular responsibilities, such as the headteacher’s appraisal. All our governors attend induction training when they are first appointed and we strongly encourage ongoing training for all governors to ensure we can carry out our roles to the best of our ability.

I have been a governor at Hillside since Summer 2022 and I am impressed by the care and dedication of all the school’s staff. This is a school where each and every young person is truly treated as an individual and I hope that through the various pages of this website you will be able to get a real understanding of what a special place Hillside Specialist School & College is.

If you wish to discuss any matters relating to the governance of the school, then do not hesitate to contact me by email. Any questions regarding the day-to-day operational management of the school should be directed to the Headteacher via the school office.

Emily Fraser

Chair of Governors


Our Governors and history can be found on the website by following the following link: 

Government 'Get information on Schools Service'

This is a register of educational establishments in England and Wales, maintained by the Department for Education. It provides information on establishments providing compulsory, higher and further education.

The information you will find on the Government UK site is provided by a range of suppliers, from ourselves to Local Education Authorities and teams within the DfE.

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Emily Fraser
Chair of Governors

Appointed by GB/board




Paul Leaper
Head Teacher

Ex-officio by virtue of office




Cheryl Doran

Parent Governor

Appointed by GB/board



Parent Governor


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Jacq Power
Parent Governor

Appointed by GB/board


Carol Sharples
Local Authority Governor

Appointed by LA


James Brown
Staff Governor

Appointed by GB/board



Neil Chapman

Local Authority Governor

Appointed by GB/board


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Rachel Younger
Co-opted Governor

Appointed by GB/board


Co-opted Governor



Ayesha Dar

Co-opted Governor

Appointed by GB/board



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Contact Us

Hillside Specialist School and College

Ribchester Road, Longridge,
Preston, Lancashire, PR3 3XB

Kathryn Wilkinson, School Business Manager

T| 01772 782205


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