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Forest Schools

Forest Schools

Forest School at Hillside is an opportunity for your child to experience nature and the outdoor environment in a safe, secure and hands on way.

At Hillside we are fortunate to have large school grounds which include an enclosed woodland area, large play grounds, open spaces and sensory areas which host a wide variety of trees, plants and wildlife.

We also have an outdoor forest school classroom with wildlife garden and a polytunnel and raised beds for growing our own fruit and vegetables.

Forest School activities are run by trained staff.

Julie Greenall                  L3 Forest School Leader

Julie works with classes and individual pupils throughout school & college giving opportunities for pupils to access outdoor learning activities such as,

  • Gardening
  • Den building
  • Arts and crafts through the seasons
  • Scavenger hunts through the seasons
  • Bug hunting
  • Den building
  • Camp fire cooking
  • Tool use

The philosophy of Forest Schools is to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through positive outdoor experiences.

 All sessions are designed around the needs of the group or individual, to ensure that they are learner-led. The activities are set up so they are within the capabilities of every person within the group.

Children have the opportunities to learn through first hand experiences. Exploring and playing and experiencing, is what Forest School is all about. Aiming to build on independence skills, high self-esteem and team work. Health and safety considerations are always of paramount importance and activities are fully risk assessed.

Some pupils will have opportunities to achieve awards such as AQA Unit Awards, ASDAN Towards In dependence and Supporting Aspirations.



Contact Us

Hillside Specialist School and College

Ribchester Road, Longridge,
Preston, Lancashire, PR3 3XB

Kathryn Wilkinson, School Business Manager

T| 01772 782205


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