Class 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Roxanne Lundbeck
Welcome to Class 2
Our topic this half term is ‘Weather - hot and cold’. In our English and Communication Sessions we are looking at several stories. The first one we will be looking at is ‘Shark in the Park on a Windy Day’ by Nick Sharratt.
Our topic in Maths is shape and number. We will be learning about 2D shapes and their properties. We will be exploring the environment to see what shapes we can see around school. We do love a good shape hunt!
In PSHE we will be learning about things we are good at and who is special to us. We will learn about the people who we are close to and who we have a special bond with. This will be linked to people at school and at home.
In Science we will be looking at the weather (hot and cold) and the different seasons we experience throughout the year.
Every day we will continue to work on our individual targets and enjoy lots of fun and exciting ways to learn.
Key information
PE - This term PE will take place when we attend the park on a Thursday morning.
- A spare set of clothes and waterproof coat/wellies, so we are always prepared for whatever the weather brings us.
Snacks and/or lunch – Please make sure you have ordered a school lunch if appropriate.
Please send in sun cream if we do get an improvement in weather when we come back to school. Please send a bottle that is clearly labelled with your child's name on it.
- A little reminder to check emails for updates and messages. Please let us know if there are any issues or useful information that will help us to care for your child.
Please feel free to contact the Class 2 team with any questions or queries. We are all happy to help in any way we can.