Parent Governor Vacancy
Governors can make a real difference to the performance of the school and have a real part to play in making the school successful.
If you are interested in joining us to help improve education for the children in our school, please contact Carol in the office or emal
We are reaching out to find a parent who fits the following description:
- Currently has a child or children in our school
- Has an open and enquiring mind
- Shows a willingness to listen and make informed judgements
- Is able to work well with others
- Is interested in education generally and our school in particular
- Has a desire to play a part in improving our school
- Is willing to give a small amount of time to attend meetings and training throughout the year
If you match the above description, you could be the very person to become a parent governor. Everyone has something to offer and we want people from as many backgrounds and interests as possible.
In return we can offer:
- An insight into the wider perspective of the school through long-term planning
- A chance to develop skills in strategic management
- The opportunity to work with our team of governors and staff in improving our school
- Training to develop an understanding of specific school management issues
- The support and assistance of a professional Governor Service
- A sense of achievement in making a difference to our school
- The pleasure of seeing children develop through education
The governing body of our school is responsible for:
- Ensuring that pupils receive high quality education and that the conduct of the school reflects this aim
- Working with the Head Teacher on the strategic planning and management of the school
- Considering and agreeing the aims and policies of the school
- Discussing and approving the targets for improvement
- Assisting with appointing staff
- Setting and monitoring the budget
- Monitoring the performance of the school
- Listening to and reporting to the school’s stakeholders: pupils, parents, staff and the wider community, including local employers
Governors are the link between the school and the community and representatives of all those with an interest in the well-being and reputation of the school are needed.
We are all volunteers working in our own time, and we are all busy people. However we feel that we gain much in personal development as well as a feeling of satisfaction that we have played an important part in improving education in the local community. There are opportunities to work with others on all aspects of strategic planning and management including financial oversight and personnel issues.
Although we deal with the total school finances, we employ staff to do the actual work on our behalf, just as we take an interest in the teaching but employ teachers to actually teach the pupils.
We work together as a team. Sometimes the whole governing body is involved and sometimes we work in smaller committees or working groups. This gives us the chance to develop specific interests of our own as well as for the benefit of the whole governing body. Those of us who are not currently employed outside our homes, find that being a governor provides an opportunity to get together with other adults who we may never have met in other circumstances, work as team members in a worthwhile cause and develop skills and expertise that we weren’t certain we had before joining the governing body!
The governing body seeks individuals from as many different backgrounds as possible in order to fully reflect the community the school serves. Everyone has something to offer. Specific training (free) is available to develop an understanding of school finance and budgeting, strategic planning, and personnel issues and there are staff in both local education offices and headquarters who are there to support and advise individuals and the governing body in their responsibilities.
As a parent governor you would be a representative of the parents, but you would not be mandated to vote on their behalf. It may be useful to get the general feelings from parents on various issues from time to time, but in seeking to fill the post of parent governor, the governing body are looking for someone who will help them see the school from the widest possible viewpoint. Parents are vital to the work of the governing body. As a parent governor you will be a governor in your own right with the same responsibilities as everyone else to work together as part of the governing body for the good of the school.
Governors can make a real difference to the performance of the school and have a real part to play in making the school successful.